What are Dental Crowns and Fixed Bridges?

Missing teeth can affect your confidence, biting and chewing. Missing teeth may also affect the appearance of your cheeks and lips causing a sag around your mouth. Dental Crowns and fixed dental bridges help restore your smile by strengthening weakened teeth or by replacing missing teeth.

Dental crowns (also known as caps) are a tooth like structure that help strengthen weak teeth and teeth that have had a root canal. Depending on the chosen material, dental crowns can look like a natural tooth helping them blend in to surrounding teeth.

Preventing loss of a tooth is always the goal. However, If you are missing a tooth, there are solutions. One way to replace it is through a metal implant with a dental crown placed on top. Another option is a fixed dental bridge. The bridge is attached to adjacent teeth and help cover the gap in your smile and prevent your teeth from shifting.

If you are missing a tooth, or several teeth, dental crowns or fixed bridges might be a great way to restore your smile. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Vitanov at Smile 24 Dentistry to find out if a dental crown or a fixed bridge is right for you.

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