Orthodontic Coverage for Adults

Orthodontic dental coverage for adults helps pay for traditional braces or Clear Aligners to straighten teeth and improve smiles. It's like having insurance that assists with the cost of making your teeth look better and function well.

Here are some key points to help you understand how it works:

  1. Coverage: Orthodontic coverage helps with the expenses of treatments like braces or clear aligners up to a certain percentage.

  2. Age: It's designed for adults, not just kids. If your teeth need alignment, you can still get help as an adult. Check with your plan to see if this benefit is available for you.

  3. Limits: There may be limits on how much the insurance will pay, so check your plan’s orthodontic maximum. Most plans have a lifetime maximum.

  4. Costs: Your insurance covers a portion of your treatment. You will most likely have a deductible or co-pay per most insurance plans. If you have questions about the insurance portion, our office can help simplify things when discussing treatment options.

  5. Waiting Period: Sometimes, insurance plans have waiting period before your coverage kicks in. So, plan ahead.

  6. Benefits: Orthodontic treatment not only enhances your smile but also improves how your teeth work, making eating and talking easier.

Remember, it's essential to understand your specific insurance plan's details, so you know what's covered and what you'll need to pay.

Interested in straightening your teeth? Schedule a smile analysis appointment to find out if clear aligners are right for you!

Schedule Your Next Dental Appointment Today!

Contact our office today at (602) 675-0896. You can also request an appointment by filling out our easy-to-use appointment request form!